The best indication about the state of charge on a lead-acid battery is given by
specific gravity of electrolyte
none of the above
temperature of electrolyte
output voltage
specific gravity of electrolyte
As compared to constant-current system the constant-voltage system of charging a lead acid cell has the advantage of
both and
increasing cell capacity
reducing time of charging
avoiding excessive gassing
both and
In a lead-acid cell dilute sulfuric acid (electrolyte) approximately comprises the following
all H2S04
three parts H2O one part H2SO4
one part H2O three parts H2SO4
two parts H2O two parts H2SO4
three parts H2O one part H2SO4
The ampere-hour efficiency of a leadacid cell is normally between
90 to 95%
20 to 30%
40 to 50%
60 to 70%
90 to 95%
The watt-hour efficiency of a lead-acid cell varies between
90 to 95%
40 to 60%
25 to 35%
70 to 80%
70 to 80%
The e.m.f. of an Edison cell when fully charged is nearly
1 V
0.9 V
1.4 V
0.8 V
1.4 V
The internal resistance of an alkali cell is nearly _____ times that of the lead-acid cell.
The average charging voltage for alkali cell is about
1.7 V
1.2 V
1 V
2.1 V
1.7 V
On the average the ampere-hour efficiency of an Edison cell is about
The active material of the positive plates of silver-zinc batteries is
silver oxide
lead oxide
zinc powder
silver oxide
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