By | October 2, 2020

Which of the following is an advantage of stranded conductor over equivalent single conductor ?
    Less liability to break
    All of the above
    Less liability to kink
    Greater flexibility

All of the above

Due to which of the following reasons copper and aluminium are not used for heating elements ?
    All of the above
    Both have great tendency for oxidation
    Both have low melting point
    Very large length of wires will be required

All of the above

Copper even though costly finds use in the windings of electrical machines because
    copper windings are less bulky and the machines become compact
    copper can be easily soldered and welded
    copper points offer low contact resistance
    all of the above

all of the above

Substances whose specific resistance abruptly decreases at very low temperature are called


Which of the following affect greatly the resistivity of electrical conductors ?


Thermonic emission occurs in
    vacuum tubes
    ferrite cores
    copper conductors

vacuum tubes

Which of the following materials does not have covalent bonds ?
    Organic polymers


The conductivity of a metal is determined by
    the electronic concentration and the mobility of the free electrons
    the number of valence electrons per atom
    either or
    none of the above

the electronic concentration and the mobility of the free electrons

The resistivity of a metal is a function of temperature because
    none of the above
    the electron gas density varies with temperature
    the electron density varies with temperature
    the amplitude of vibration of the atoms varies with temperature

the amplitude of vibration of the atoms varies with temperature

In a crystal an atom vibrates at a frequency determined by
    the heat content of the crystal
    the temperature of the crystal
    the stiffness of the bonds it makes with neighbors
    none of the above

the stiffness of the bonds it makes with neighbors

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