By | September 28, 2020

Which is the best conductor of electricity ?


For which of the following ‘ampere second’ could be the unit ?


All of the following are equivalent to watt except
    amperes x volts
    (amperes) ohm


A resistance having rating 10 ohms 10 W is likely to be a
    metallic resistor
    carbon resistor
    wire wound resistor
    variable resistor

wire wound resistor

Which one of the following does not have negative temperature co-efficient ?


Varistors are
    non-linear resistors
    carbon resistors
    resistors with zero temperature coefficient

non-linear resistors

Insulating materials have the function of
    storing very high currents
    preventing an open circuit between the voltage source and the load
    preventing a short circuit between conducting wires
    conducting very large currents

preventing an open circuit between the voltage source and the load

Which of the following quantities remain the same in all parts of a series circuit ?


A 40 W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now 40 W bulb is replaced by 100 W bulb the heater output will
    heater will burn out
    remain same


In an electric kettle water boils in 10 m minutes. It is required to boil the boiler in 15 minutes using same supply mains
    length of heating element should be increased
    length of heating element has no effect on heating if water
    length of heating element should be decreased
    none of the above

length of heating element should be decreased

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