By | September 26, 2020

The advantage of oil filled cables is
    more perfect impregnation
    smaller overall size
    all of the above
    no ionisation oxidation and formation of voids

all of the above

The hot resistance of the bulbs filament is higher than its cold resistance because the temperature co-efficient of the filament is
    about 2 ohms per degree


When one leg of parallel circuit is opened out the total current will
    become zero


In a lamp load when more than one lamp are switched on the total resistance of the load
    none of the above
    remains same


Two lamps 100 W and 40 W are connected in series across 230 V (alternating). Which of the following statement is correct ?
    40 W lamp will glow brighter
    100 W lamp will glow brighter
    Both lamps will glow equally bright
    40 W lamp will fuse

40 W lamp will glow brighter

Resistance of 220 V 100 W lamp will be
    4840 Q
    48.4 Q
    4.84 Q
    484 ft

484 ft

In the case of direct current
    magnitude and direction of current changes with time
    magnitude of current changes with time
    magnitude and direction of current remains constant
    magnitude of current remains constant

magnitude and direction of current remains constant

When electric current passes through a bucket full of water lot of bubbling is observed. This suggests that the type of supply is
    none of the above
    any of above two


Resistance of carbon filament lamp as the applied voltage increases.
    remains same
    none of the above


Bulbs in street lighting are all connected in


पोस्ट अच्छी लगी हो तो प्लीज नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक कर शेयर जरुर करें 

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